Plant Spirit Healing Sessions

When we think about working with plants for healing, medicine, or even magic- we tend to think of them in terms of common remedy- tinctures, teas, compresses, and the like. But these primary forms of modern herbal care are new in the grand timeline of our kinship with the green allies. The fact is that plants can support our deep healing and inner magic in a variety of ways- one of the oldest being working with them spirit-to-spirit, person-to-person, heart-to-heart.

A plant spirit journey session is a guided and facilitated experience of connecting to one specific plant ally who will step up and act as guide, guardian, teacher, and initiator as you take the next few steps down your own spiral journey. These journeys are incredible powerful, immensely restorative and relaxing, and very enlightening. By the end of your session you will have learned a great deal about yourself, our journey, and the plants who can help you attain your own goals.

With over two decades of deep work with the plants, I bring my own connections to them to each session and we work together to create relationships of power, magic, and medicine. The format of these sessions is one I’ve come up with over many years of study, experimentation, and exploration- and they continue to evolve with each person I get to work with.

Connect to the plant spirits for deep wisdom, healing, magic, and spiritual growth

What Is a Plant Spirit Healing Session?

Our herbal allies can help us to find the sacred center within in many ways. They are ancient, wise, and powerful beings who have been with us since the very beginning, watching as we grow and evolve as people across the ages. My work with Plant Spirit Energy focuses on connecting you to specific plants that resonate with your own defined goals and needs through a variety of journey and experiential processes- all leading to you having a deep and personal connection to plant spirits who are there for your journey.

While each session is given time and space to meet the unique needs of each person, they generally include:

  • A beginning dialogue where we look at what you’re working on, where you’d like the support of the plants, and how the rest of the session might unfold. It’s important here to remember that while we think of herbal medicine as being exclusively for physical wellness, this work can bring the power of the plants anywhere you need it… whether inside yourself or out into the life path around you. Anything goes, all good goals welcome! Our opening dialogue lasts about 10 minutes.

  • Together we will define a goal or several goals, and usually craft a phrase of power around the goals (galdor) to help anchor it in the rest of the session- and in your continued experiences in the days and weeks that follow.

  • Based on our conversation and connections, I will help find a single herbal ally to act as guide for the rest of the session. This plant will be one who voluntarily stands up during our time based on my own connections to them (very important!) and makes sense from the folkloric, clinical, and practical angles based on your goals.

  • While you get cozy in our gravity chairs loaded with the most comfy blankets and pillows, I’ll head to the apothecary and gather some of the dried herb we’ll be working with. From there, I’ll begin a very mild tea infusion with the herb while we get you relaxed, receptive, and engaged in heart coherence work.

  • We’ll take the tea together, you’ll get to recline and relax, and I’ll guide you through a variety of focuses, journeys, visualizations, and cues. We’ll dialogue along the way to make sure things are going in the right direction.

  • Along the way I may offer energetic work to help release, move, open, charge, or otherwise bring in the energy of the plant based on your experiences. I do this most often with a no-touch hovering or sweeping of my hands above your body or sometimes by the laying-on of herbal material, oils, balms, smoke, or sigils.

  • The journey aspect of your session generally lasts about 30 minutes but typically feels like an hour.

  • We’ll wrap up with a gentle return to usual consciousness, centering support as needed, and some unpacking of the experience. I’ll take notes for you so that you can stay in the deeply relaxing space of plant connection.

  • I’ll send you home with remedy crafted from the plant we worked with along with resources and suggested continued practices to continue the connection and the healing. You can come back as often as you like, but most people find that a monthly session is a really powerful addition to their overall sense of magic and medicine.

Schedule Your Plant Spirit Healing Session

Herbalist Josh Williams
by appointment only
Flow Acupuncture & Apothecary
1204 east South Temple
Salt Lake City, Utah