Herbal Apothecary | Salt Lake City, Utah

The plants are more than just their physical expressions in our world. They are arcane spirits who are rooted in otherness and fruited in our world. The carry a profound amount of wisdom, medicine, magic, and initiation- and have been the silent but generous allies of we human folk since the very beginning. As spiritual beings, the plants have the ability to work on all levels of us- from the physical through the emotional and mental into the energetic and spiritual. In fact, this way of approaching herbal medicine is the oldest and most refined of all forms of herbalism!

Plant spirit energy work, as I have been taught by my green allies and over 20 years of experience practicing the way I do, is a potent modality that reaches into the deepest heart of who we are and brings green blessings there. Plant spirit energy sessions create a space where we can release into the land and allow deep unfolding and unwinding to happen- all while being saturated in the verdant wisdom of the plants. This practice works by connecting you to the plants through me as a go-between.

A session with me creates a great deal of space to attend to your unique needs, but most often:

  • Start with a short but comprehensive intake where we assess your needs and goals, explore symptoms of disharmony, dialogue with one another and with the self, craft clear and empowered charms which contain our goals, and define the plant or plants we’ll be working with in-session.

  • The administering of specific herbal allies through their remedies; not always internally.

  • Guided path and journey work.

  • The invocation and radiating of plant spirit presence through a variety of sacred means.

  • Decompression and unpacking of the session.

Energy work session start in a cozy chair and continue on a massage table dressed in clean linens just for you. Sessions are done fully clothed (feel free to be barefoot), and I suggest being dressed as comfy as you like- you’re welcome to change once you arrive at the clinic.

A majority of the session involves hands hovering above and around your body with occasionally very light touch to the head, feet, and heart center when comfortable for you. Most people can perceive the presence of my hands around them and can often feel waves of heat, coolness, vibration, or other sensations. The dialogue part of the session usually lasts around 15-20 minutes, with the on-table section lasting about 40-45 minutes.

While on the table, we’ll work through a blend of active and guided journey or pathworkings, guided meditations, and prompts as well as waves of deep silence where you can experience whatever comes up for you while I am doing deeper energetic work. Once the session is done, you’ll have plenty of time to return to usual consciousness before we decompress with sharing and making plans for continued progress.

You will receive a plant spirit remedy to take home and continue working with as part of your session. I will also email you various bits of ‘homework’ and guided audio meditations and journeys you can do on your own.