Plant Spirit Session
The journey into herbal medicine can be filled with new concepts, incredible possibilities for wellness, and a lot of personal empowerment and autonomy in the process. Many folks who come to me are working with herbs in a really dedicated way for the first time, and I love helping introduce them to all the plants do for us… but that’s just the beginning!
From our work in the more clinical aspect of herbal medicine, we quickly move into the spiritual aspects of herbalism. These are the ways we’ve been working with plants since forever, and it is from the perspective and practices of spiritual herbalism we’re able to experience the profound benefits of plants on all levels of life and being- not just the physical body.
Next, I get to introduce people to the approach that we don’t even need to ingest herbs to benefit from their wisdom, transformative power, and blessings. In fact, in the great timeline of herbalism, we’ve probably been focusing on ingesting herbal medicines for a much shorter duration than we have working with them in other ways.
Your session is all about plant spirit connections
So, this brings us to one of my favorite ways to connect my clients to the plants. Plant spirit sessions allow us to create space for that deep wisdom of our green allies to flow in and support us in whatever work we might be doing together. These sessions are deeply relaxing, profoundly inspiring, and truly transformative!
My deep and long-standing connection with the plants of my practice allows me to bring them in with methods that let their medicine and magic move into every part of your being; wherever you need it or want it. Here’s what a session looks like:
We begin by briefly exploring your health history, personal state, and experiences in healing. Since this is energetic medicine, we don’t have to worry at all about contraindications, allergies, etc.
We’ll spend 15-20 minutes chatting about what you’re working on, where you’d like support, and where you’d like to be.
The goals we set here can be absolutely anything- physical health, mental and emotional wellness, spiritual growth, life path options, work, relationships, anything!
Next, we will engage ancient practices of crafting intent and charm to guide us through the session. We’ll make a statement that is arranged in a specific way (known in my tradition as Galdor) to act as a bridge in the work- and you can carry this statement with you beyond he session itself which is so powerful. You and I will both work with this same goal throughout the whole session. We may also apply rūnecræft where appropriate.
We will work with one specific plant ally for each plant spirit session. Just one! This allows that plant spirit to be the loudest voice in the room and really bring all their magic and medicine to your life. I will help choose the ally we’ll work with, and then prepare a remedy from that plant which we will work with in the session. This remedy is almost always in the form of a mild-strength tea; again, crafted from just the one single plant.
Tea infusions crafted from local artisan well water act as the connecting point between you and the plant spirits
With our intent and plant spirit ready, the actual session will begin. You’ll get to relax in a gravity chair with comfy blankets and relaxing atmospheric music while I guide you into facilitated journey and special inner work with the plant. This process is different for each person and is customized to meet you where you are and address what you’re working on. This can include:
Listening to the herb as they move through your body
Following the unique movements and patterns of the herbs as they move through your body
Creating intentional space in specific areas of your body, being, or life for the medicine to flow
Asking directly for wisdom and guidance about specific issues from the plant
Breathing with the plant; simply being in coherence with them
As needed throughout your session, I may provide light or no-touch energy work to help facilitate clearing, movement, release, or settling. Since I will be taking the remedy with you, we will both be in the space of that specific plant and I can help act as liminal point as needed during the journey.
We’ll wrap up the session with centering, discussion, and some homework to help keep your connection to the plant and the transformation going! I will send you with a remedy crafted from the plant we worked with so that you can continue your process at home, and may email you supplemental materials including guided audio meditations, rituals, and plant information.
Plant spirit sessions take place in our mural room inside the Flow Acupuncture & Apothecary clinic in Downtown Salt Lake City, Utah
Everyone is different, but one thing you can expect from your plant spirit session is a deep and profound connection to a spiritual ally who is there to help you move closer and closer toward your goals. Plants have been part of our existence since the beginning- they are our primary source of nourishment, the source of much of the air we breath, our fiber, building materials, fuel, shelter, and inspiration. Their spiritual connections to us run deep, and they have a vested interest in our well-being that goes beyond the investment of many other kind of nature spirits. These sessions help open the ways between us and the world of the plants so that the magic and medicine can flow!
I offer plant spirit sessions in person only at our beautiful downtown Salt Lake City clinic.