Deities of Wortcunning
When we look at the ancient Old English and Anglo-Saxon herbals, we find time and time again that the charms, prayers, rituals, and recipes don’t just include the plants- the also include the deities of our Pagan forbears. The Gods and Goddesses of the herbwise folk played a crucial role in just how powerful herbal work could be- whether magical, medicinal, ritual, or a combination of the three.
While not everyone who engages in spiritual herbalism also considers themselves Pagan, polytheist, animist, or connected to any specific pantheon of old deities, understanding how these more-than-human beings play a role in traditional herbalism perspectives can only add depth and texture to our own connection with the plant spirits. Here, I’d like to share a bit with you about why I think the combination of deity work and the plant spirit path makes sense, how to engage, what the benefits are, and how you can get started. At the end of this brief post I’ll share a series of free classes with you that cover specific deities and approaches I think you’ll enjoy.
I could turn this into a small book, but here are some of the main reasons why the inclusion of Gods and Goddesses of Wortcunning are so important in my own practice.
First, in order for any more-than-human being to be considered a deity in my practice, they need to be invested in the protection of harmony. Deities, from the Indo-European spectrum of beliefs, are those mighty persons who help to maintain the order of the cosmos; creating and protecting essential beauty. So, if a deity is in fact concerned with harmony, then they will be a good fit for adding depth to my plant spirit work because plants are, themsevles, exemplary citizens of the cosmos who are always working to create harmony, beauty, and order. In this regard, all deities can technically be included in plant spirit work- the ones you are in the deepest kinship with being the ones that should be asked into your practice.
Deities of plant spirit work also have great big perspective. They have a greater purview of the cosmos and can often perceive the way in which the web of life is woven in far greater ways that you and I can with our human-centric perspectives. The Gods and Goddesses of the wortcunner sit in the world tree and can look at the infinite ways things connect, people relate, and energy flows- this kind of information is incredibly helpful when working with the plants to try and create harmony be it medicinal or magical in nature.
Many of the Old Ones also have a vested interest in protecting the plants and preserving plant lore. As we read through the extant folklore of many deities we find that the plants sprout up as part of the stories. Here, the deities are connected personally to the plants and show how they want to steward these exceptional other-than-human persons in the world.
Lastly, for now, more is more when it comes to spiritual allies. If we have the opportunity and calling to be in right relationship with plant spirits, herbwise ancestors, land spirits, and plants- why not have that kind of big, powerful collective blessing our work?
As explored above, there are many reasons why we might want to work with herbwise deities. Now, I’d like to look at some practical ways you can bring them into your plant spirit path adventures.
Many of the ancient deities of various traditions and cultures are directly connected with plants. We have many goddesses of healing, gods of agriculture and planting, deities of herbs, and so on. These mighty beings can be aligned to to help share their profound wisdom with us. WHile the plants will always be the greatest authority on plants, deities are a close second! One special benefit that comes from adding herbwise deities to your practice is that their perspective and experience of the cosmos is neither purely human nor purely plant- but something quite other. They add a layer of nuance to the whole thing that, for me, really bring in powerful magic.
Similarly, many deities are protective in nature and extend their protection to the land, the soil, waters, plants, and herbalists. Even gods we would consider to be generally protective, like Thunor, have plenty in their lore about defending the land and her people.
As I mentioned above, more is more. So, when crafting herbal medicines and remedies, why not add in the specific blessings of the deities with whom you are in deep connection? Many folks will ask ‘which deity should I work with for such-and-such an issue’, and the answer is always 'the one you’re in kinship with. Even if your patron deity or deities are not traditionally seen as plant-spirit focused, they will be inclined to help you because they like you- and because the way between you is open by your investment of study, prayer, offerings, ritual, and heart.
Especially in the Anglo-Saxon, Norse, and Old English charms, we find that deities are almost always invoked alongside the plants. The Nine Herbs Charm and the Second Merseburg Charm are shining examples. In the Nine Herbs Charm we see the wise Wōden as the one who identifies the illness in the form of a wyrma, knows the 9 herbs which will destroy said worm (disease cause), and then ascribes each of the 9 herbs to 9 various disease pathologies. In the Second Merseburg Charm, it is deities alone who are invoked to heal the broken leg of a horse.
Involving the deities then, is historically attested in all spiritual herbalism traditions I have had the privilege of exploring, and there is definitely something so powerful to it that we continue the tradition to this day.
The various Gods and Goddesses of our ancient ways also have the ability to initiate us more deeply into the green artes. They can open doors, remove obstacles, give perspective, reflect disharmonies, warn us of toxic patterns, and more. The plants, of course, can do this too in their own way, but again, the deities have a perspective that straddles the human and the plant because of their lofty position on the world tree.
Hopefully you’ve found some inspiration from this short share. Below, I’ve posted a few free classes that go much deeper into this topic and will give you information on how to get started and how to go further once you’ve begun. Enjoy!