The Hidden Magic of Herbal Actions
You’re probably familiar with terms like diuretic, febrifuge, nervine, and tonic- all terms that help us understand some of the deeper aspects of how individual herbs move in the body and have a healing affinity with specific body systems and functions. But did you know that concealed in these commonly-discussed herbal actions are hints at the profound magical virtues that the plant spirits share with us? In this unique workshop you’ll learn how to use herbal actions and categories from your favorite materia medica and monographs to touch on the hidden magic of the plants. This one is something special!
If you’re a practitioner of herb magic, occult botany, herbal rituals, or spiritual herbalism this is the class for you… you’ll learn to explore the mysteries of the plants via their actions in ways rarely openly discussed by herbal wisdom keepers!
Learn what herbal actions are, how they speak to the movement and virtues of herbs in our bodies, and how they can be used to help us organize the effects of herbal medicines.
Work with individual herbs throughout the class to explore how established actions hide magical virtues passed on from our herbwise ancestors.
Meet a variety of herbs and explore how they can be worked with to create harmony and transformation by understanding their folkloric and ancestral stories.
Instant access to the 100-minute video workshop and all the magic, mystery, and medicine it shares.
The Magic of Herbal Actions
Herbal actions are a language within Western herbalism traditions that help us understand what part of the body an herb has an affinity for, how the herb creates change in that organ or system, what direction it moves, and what specific patterns of elemental energy the plant brings in. On the surface, it seems like these actions are specific to physical applications: diuretics to increase the output of urine and stimulate or relax the urinary tract, dipahoretics to open the pores and release the sweat, bitters to stimulate the movement of digestive enzymes and secretions, nervines to nourish amd tone the nervous system through stimulation or relaxation, and so on… but hidden in this herbal language is a key to the magico-ritual aspects of the plants.
While many of our existing ancestral herbals may have been stripped of magical lore, they have been preserved in action language if we just know how to look!
In this immersive workshop featuring content not shared elsewhere, I’ll show you how you rely on your most trusted herbals, materia medica, monographs, and other herb books to open the ways to the deep spirit of the plants and their magic.
The Hidden Magic of Herbal Actions
“I am a big fan of Josh and his work. Taking both of his courses, I find him to be not only a great teacher who is extremely well spoken and poignant, but also delivers his teachings with heart and care. He made me think about not only plants, but the world in a whole new way with his animistic viewpoint which I now live my life by. I refer to my class notes almost weekly and have watched classes numerous times due the amount of information contained in them. I will forever be grateful to Josh and his teachings. If you haven't guess it by now, I highly recommend The Green Arte School.”
— Cheryl, USA